You’ve arrived at the best Age of Empires Tier List π― From beginners to experienced users knowing the top heroes and units greatly influences your tactics. In Age of Empires Mobile, your heroes significantly contribute to constructing an empire and taking down enemies. Follow this interactive ranking to learn about the best heroes and powerful units you need to be effective on the field!
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Examine the Age of Empires Mobile space and identify who is the leading class! ππ In Age of Empires Mobile the highest-ranking characters are the most effective and diverse personalities. These warriors make significant in combat and lend significant benefits that are central to your planning.!
S-Tier Heroes: The Best of the Best π
S-Tier heroes are the most powerful and versatile characters in the Age of Empires Mobile tier list. These heroes excel in combat, offer game-changing abilities, and should be at the heart of your strategy.
Joan of Arc π«π·
Role: Support | Civilization: Franks
As a strong ally in the game Joan of Arc gives buffs that improve the defense and attack potential of your men. Her importance is evident in tackling enemies and guarding your troops and fits seamlessly with every army design.
Julius Caesar ποΈ
Role: Offense | Civilization: Romans
As a famed leader, Caesar gives powerful offensive energy to your army. His talents aim to improve attack and siege functions which allow him to strongly assault rival fortifications.
Leonidas π‘οΈ
Role: Defense | Civilization: Spartans
As an excellent protector of his troops, Leonidas stands out as a defensive hero. He fortifies both your walls and soldiers enabling him to safeguard against foreign invasions.

Visit the Age of Empires Mobile Game Guide to learn more about optimizing the use of these heroes in your strategy.
A-Tier Heroes: Strong Contenders πͺ
Khalid ibn al-Walid βοΈ
Role: Offense | Civilization: Arab
Khalid ibn al-Walid mixes creativity with impressive offensive strength. He excels with cavalry maneuvers and is perfect for quick & confrontational tactics.
Queen of Sheba π
Role: Support | Civilization: African
As a remarkable support character Queen of Sheba boosts resource gathering while also supporting the health of troops. Individuals aiming for economic strategy and ecological balance find her effective.
Sun Tzu π
Role: Strategy | Civilization: Chinese
Known for improving infantry performances is Sun Tzu with his strategic skill. This hero shines with sophisticated plans that necessitate avoiding your foes and achieving superiority.
B-Tier Heroes: Situational Picks π―
Although B-Tier heroes can be effective their abilities may only show up under certain circumstances. Although they don’t pack the same strength as S or A-type heroes they can bring you success with proper play.
Alexander the Great π
Role: Offense | Civilization: Greeks
Alexander excels in offense using horsemen. While he can successfully charge into battle he does not possess the range of better heroes.
Rani Durgavati πΉ
Role: Ranged | Civilization: Indian
Rani Durgavati shines in techniques that give her a lengthy engagement range and are useful to those who enjoy keeping adversaries away. Yet she does not have adequate defensive abilities.
Richard the Lionheart π¦
Role: Defense | Civilization: English
Proficient in defense tactics Richard the Lionheart enhances the effectiveness of both towers and their fortifications. While he excels in defensive tactics he doesn’t add much to the offense.
C-Tier Heroes: Niche Use Cases π οΈ
Heroes of the C-Tier are unadaptable and typically only beneficial in rare situations. While these characters might be unsuitable for most players they can aid your tactics according to your chosen approach.
Saladin βοΈ
Role: Support | Civilization: Arab
Although Saladin does well as a support hero his skills are lacking compared to others such as Joan of Arc.
Attila the Hun π
Role: Siege | Civilization: Huns
Though Attila performs very well in siege engagements his focused area makes him less impactful in standard gameplay.

Find out additional facts about these warriors. Stay informed about Age of Empires Mobile releases for information on newly released heroes and modifications.
FAQs About Age of Empires Mobile Heroes
Q1: What does unlock mean in Age of Empires Mobile?
With time as you play the game, or in missions, or by redeeming specific Codes you may unlock new heroes. Do not miss the Age of Empires Mobile Game Codes on how to select your heroes.
Q2: Can I upgrade my heroes?
Yes! While you play the game, there can be abilities to raise your heroes and gather fragments from them to level up and unleash stronger skills from your heroes.
Q3: How do players be strategic in using the S-Tier of Age of Empires Mobile tier list of heroes?
Joan of Arc and Julius Caesar have very high levels of offensiveness and defensiveness. Make colors perform harmoniously to augment forces in fighting.
Q4: The above examples raise several questions: Do people of different civilizations have different powers?
Absolutely! Age of Empires Mobile is the first game in which every hero represents a civilization and the skill of that civilization in the game is based on real-life heroes that contributed to the civilization.
Q5: When are new heroes released?
This permanently or during major Updates or special events in Age of Empires Mobile the Developer releases new heroes. Keep checking the Updates for new entriesβ¦
Conclusion: Which Hero Should You Choose?
In Age of Empires Mobile tier list heroes serve as essential elements for achieving victory. Heroes from the S-Tier category namely Joan of Arc and Julius Caesar hold considerable strength and flexibility. On the other hand, A-Tier and B-Tier figures such as Khalid ibn al-Walid and Sun Tzu are beneficial for certain strategies.
Choose your heroes so they suit your way of playing and strategy. You can find the right hero for any challenge in Age of Empires Mobile no matter if you defend your empire or initiate a complete attack.
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